AREA 51 (Action/Drama TV series based on a 9 book series covering the history of the earth tying together every legend, mystery, religion and architectural phenomenon on earth - 2021)
COUNT TIME (American Prison Camp/Sitcom based on the true hysterical experiences of white collar men living together in a low level prison "country club" in California - 2021)
IN YOUR DREAMS - A young boy grows up hearing that his dreams and wacky ideas are impossible for someone like him, but when he grows up he meets a woman who convinces him he can do anything if he only learns the "secret." This Secret takes him all over the world doing supposedly impossible things week after week.
COUNT DA MONEY - Game show with million dollar rewards for the winners. Contestants compete against themselves and others for the "millionaires virtual reality seat" by answering questions about what rich and famous people did with their money. Show uses virtual reality to transport the audience and the contestants through time and space to be where the millionaires were when they made decisions.